Brioschi Sviluppo Immobiliare was founded on 15 January 1907, under the name Achille Brioschi & C., on 12 June 1914 the company was listed on the Milan stock exchange.
Brioschi Sviluppo Immobiliare is today one of the most important real estate company in Italy.
Social capital data |
Number of shares | 787.664.845 |
Social capital | 114.514.674 euro i.v. |
Title data |
Stock Exchange | Borsa Italiana |
Market segment | Euronext Milan |
Lot size | 1 |
Code | ISIN IT0000066180 |
Currency | Eur |
Bloomberg Code | BRI:IM |
Reuters Code | BRUI.MI |
Main membership directories |
FTSE All-Share Capped, FTSE Italia All-Share, FTSE Italia Small Cap, FTSE Italia Beni Immobili |
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